Готовые проекты - Завод по производству Активированного угля
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Our accomplished project

The plant of
Activated charcoal

Завод разработан нашим конструкторско-технологическим бюро и изготавливается на собственных производственных мощностях.

A optimal Activated
Charcoal Plant consists
of 5 installation PANDA

The number of installations
can be changed depending on
the customer's needs


Factory for production of charcoal

What is Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is a porous substance that is obtained from various carbon-containing materials of organic origin. It contains a huge number of pores and therefore has a very large specific surface area per unit mass. As a result, it has a high adsorption capacity. 1 gram of activated carbon can have a surface area of up to 2200 m².

It was known in various forms for a long time, but was first synthesized for industrial production by Nikolai Dmitrievich Zelinsky in 1915.It is used for the purification of various substances, which is becoming more and more relevant.

This project provides for the production of activated charcoal using a new technology that has no analogues in the world. Our technology makes it possible to obtain a-coal and granular sorbents from low-quality, soft-leaved wood species (birch) on the basis of fast pyrolysis on equipment that includes a pyrolyzer-activator.

Our technology provides high quality granules from 3.0 mm to 5.0 mm, with increased mechanical density. The cost of coal produced is reduced by 1.5-2 times. Including due to the use of its own heat obtained during pyrolysis and activation.

The raw material for the production of activated charcoal is cheap low-value wood.


On the market of activated carbons for purification of drinking water, adsorption of solutions, there are three main manufacturers JSC "Sorbent", LLC "Technosorb-proizvodstvo", JSC "UralKhimSorb". The leaders in this market were JSC "Sorbent" and LLC "Tekhnosorb-proizvodstvo", their share in the total production volume in 2015. amounted to 65% and 19%, respectively, and in the total sales volume - 21% and 17%.

The market of activated coals for purification of drinking water, adsorption of solutions in 2015-2017 characterized by a low level of market concentration due to the openness of the domestic market for international trade. And in 2017, it approached moderately concentrated (market concentration coefficient CR3), calculated taking into account imports, increased in 2015-2017. from 27% to 49%.

In 2016-2017. there was an increase in economic concentration in this market. Market concentration indicators calculated for production characterize domestic production in the indicated periods as highly concentrated.

Raw materials for the production of Activated charcoal

Russia has enormous forest resources. And therefore, the created production of activated charcoal is provided by an almost inexhaustible source of raw materials.

The raw material for the production of activated coal is cheap low-value wood, in particular, birch pulpwood. Which, due to restrictions on export from the country, does not have sufficient consumption in the domestic market.

We offer attention to plywood production waste, the so-called pencils. This central section of a birch log is a solid wood cylinder with a diameter of 70-100 mm.

Thus, there is little demand for raw materials that require new and efficient processing technologies. For example, the Activated Charcoal Plant developed by us can consume up to 10 thousand cubic meters of low-value wood per year.

